Donald Angus Davison – Major General, United States Army

Donald Angus Davison was appointed to the United States Military Academy from Arizona and graduated in the class of 1915. He died at Bangalore, India, on active duty and was postmously promoted to Major General.

Donald Angus Davison was born 26 October1892 at San Carlos, Gila, Arizona, the son of Lorenzo Paul Davison, Lieutnant Colonel, United States Army, and Carolyn Lavina Shannon Davison. He died on 6 May 1944.

Davison Army Airfield is 15 miles southwest of Washington at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. It was named in honor of Brigadier General Donald A. Davison, noted aviation engineer during World War II. It became part of Fort Belvoir’s Engineer School on September 2, 1952. Less than two years later, August 1, 1954, it was reassigned to the U.S. Army Military District of Washington. It has remained a subordinate installation of MDW ever since.

Brigadier General Donald A Davison takes command of the XII Air Force Engineer Command (Provisional), following
the command’s assignment to the Twelfth Air Force on 1 Nov 1943. In Italy, XII Air Support Command and RAF fighters and fighter-bombers hit trucks and trains in the Sora-Avezzano area, the airfields of Furbara and Tarquinia, and small vessels off Pescara, Italy and Solta, Yugoslavia.

The air engineer at Headquarters, AAF, monitored the over-all functioning of the aviation engineers from his office under A-4. Brigadier General Stuart C. Godfrey held this position until December 1943, when he went to India to supervise the construction of B-29 bases. It had been planned to replace him with Brigadier General Donald A. Davison, who by that time had distinguished himself in the North African campaign, but Davison died suddenly, and Colonel George Mayo served as air engineer until the end of the war,

DAVISON, DONALD A. BG, Died non-battle causes.


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