George Everett Foster – Second Lieutenant, United States Army

He graduated from West Point in 1950 and was killed-in-action less than six months after graduation while serving in the Korean War with the 32nd Infantry, 7th Division. He earned both the Silver Star and the Purple Heart.

He is buried in Section 1 of Arlington National Cemetery.

George Everett Foster
Chevy Chase, Maryland – Born March 4, 1928
Second Lieutenant, US Army
Killed in Action December 2, 1950 in Korea

USMA Class of 1950, Second Lieutenant Foster was a platoon leader with the 31st Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division. He was Killed in Action while fighting the enemy in North Korea on December 2, 1950. Second Lieutenant Foster was awarded the Purple Heart and the  Combat Infantryman’s Badge.

cibCourtesy of His Classmates
United States Military Academy

George Everett Foster

Missing in Action since December 2, 1950 at Chonjin (Chosin) Reservoir, Korea.
Officially declared Dead as of December 31, 1953, aged 25 Years.

  George, “Georgie” as he was generally known, and as “Porgie” among his childhood mates, was born at Cayey, Puerto Rico, March 4, 1928, the son of then Lieutenant and Mrs. Roy M. Foster. Practically all of his boyhood was spent at Army stations, where he always was one of the gang, making new friends, whom he never forgot. From the time that he was old enough to walk, when his mother or father would have to rescue him from out in front of the 20th Infantry Band, at marchIng practice, where he was beating on a cooking pan with a spoon, the environment and atmosphere of Army life was ever complete to him.

Throughout his Elementary School days and into High School, George was an outstanding student. He was quick to grasp and keen at organizing his thoughts, enabling him to make the honor roll of his Class, except for his last two years of High School, at Bethesda-Chevy Chase, Maryland, where he seemed to lose interest. However, at Chevy Chase, Georgie made his closest and lasting friendships, with boys who later remained as close to him as his classmates at West Point. From his childhood, Georgie had a devoted love and respect for the Almighty, his parents, sister and brother, and toward all people, that made him admired and loved by all. He was always ready to accept responsibility and no task was too small or too big for him.

From the time Georgie was old enough to know of West Point, he had the desire to be a West Pointer. When a principal appointment to Annapolis or a 2nd alternate appointment to West Point was tendered him, his decision was West Point. Upon graduation from High School, Georgie entered Sullivan’s Preparatory School, and under Sully he really found himself. He stood very high on the Presidential List, and through West Point, no one meant more to George than Sully. Georgie, in his devoted love for West Point, and toward his brother, Bob, hoped that Bob would be able to prepare under Sully and make the Point. With Bob’s entering in the Class of ’58, through Congressman Herlung of Florida, after the briefest of preparation under Sully, it seemed a miracle through earnest prayers. Georgie was able to take the Point in stride and beyond doubt lived it as the four greatest years of his life, graduating with a very fine record. His class standing enabled him his choice of branch, and with his roommate, Larry Birk, who stood very high in the Class, they chose the Cavalry (Armor).

Graduation leave was a heavily occupied and delightful period for George, attending classmates’ weddings, helping his mother and Bob to settle near Washington, D. C., after their sailing orders to Japan had been canceled, and visiting at San Antonio with his roommate, Falkner Heard, and Falkner’s parents, Colonel and Mrs. Falkner Heard. During his cadet life, Georgie really felt that his second home was with Colonel and Mrs. Heard. George’s original assignment orders upon graduation were to Europe, but, with his father being stationed in Japan, his orders were changed to the Far East. This had pleased him, as he planned to accompany his mother and Bob to the West Coast and then hoped to sail concurrently with them to Japan, stopping over to visit with his other roommate, Larry Birk, and Larry’s parents at Klamath Falls, Oregon. With the war breaking in Korea, the planned voyage to Japan was canceled, and George, with classmates, was flown from Camp Stoneman via Alaska into Japan.

Upon reaching Japan, George was assigned to the 7th Division, then in the embarking phase for the Inchon Landing. At this time, he was assigned to Company C, 32d Infantry. Although he regretted  having to replace the sabers with crossed rifles he felt that basically he was better qualifed for combat duty in the Infantry than with Armor.

Letters to his parents from officers of his unit – Regimental Commander, Company Commander, and others – said that Georgie performed remarkably as a leader in combat, that he repreesented the true ideals and traditions of West Point, and that his father and mother could be proud to call him “Son.”

Among associates who knew of him in combat, it was said that he was liked and admired to the highest by all. At the battle of Seoul, he was given a platoon and, after one month of duty, was  recommended for promotion by his Company Commander, but the promotion was held up in accordance with the policy requiring completion of six months’ commissioned service before the promotion could be made. Georgie’s last letter to his father, written on the 28th of November 1950, at the Chonjin (Chosin)  Reservoir, seemed to reveal him as in high spirits, and he said was counting the days until he could be back in Japan with his mother, Bob, and father.

Other than the report of his M.I.A. status as of 2 December 1951, no information has been found, except that he had been wounded in an arm on 1 December 1950, and, on 2 December 1950, had  led his platoon down a steep cliff into a valley or canyon to break a road block. With the Department of the Army notifyIng his parents of his presumed death as of 31 December 1953. It may be said, true to the traditions of West Point, that George’s duty and honor in battle are worthy of the highest tribute, “Well Done”.

Photo Courtesy of the American Battle Monuments Commission

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