Cyclothymic Disorder

Cyclothymic disorder, also known as Cyclothymia, is the most mild type of bipolar disorder in terms of its symptoms and effects on the patient. Those who are diagnosed with this version of bipolar disorder often struggle with mild depression as well as hypomanic episodes cyclically for a minimum of two years but do not mean the criteria for a diagnosis of any other form of bipolar disorder.

According to Medline Plus, Cyclothymia is equally prevalent among men and women, and there is no identified cause for the disorder. The issue is usually diagnosed when a patient reports an ongoing history of mood swings that are intense enough to be disruptive to their lives but not extreme enough to be diagnosed as bipolar Ibipolar II, or major depression.

Symptoms of Cyclothymia usually begin early in life, and the disorder may run in families, but once accurately diagnosed, the disorder can be effectively addressed through treatment. Without treatment, however, it is possible for symptoms of Cyclothymia to evolve into bipolar disorder. To learn more, contact us at the phone number listed above.

Symptoms When Substance Abuse and Cyclothymic Disorder Co-occur

When living with any disruptive mental health symptoms, many patients turn to drugs or alcohol in order to find the mental and emotional balance that they cannot achieve on their own. If they are struggling with depression, they may attempt to use stimulant substances to improve their mood and increase their energy or they may drink heavily or use other sedative drugs in the hopes of escaping the feelings that are causing them discomfort.

In some cases, mental health symptoms that appear to be Cyclothymia may be due to an ongoing substance abuse problem. Some symptoms of chronic drug abuse can include the mild hypomanic episodes followed by depression experienced by many who are diagnosed with Cyclothymia.

This is one reason that those who are living with a drug abuse problem and a mental health disorder like Cyclothymia are recommended to undergo treatment at a Dual Diagnosis rehabilitation program that has the resources and expertise to provide integrative and comprehensive care for both disorders at the same time.

Finding Healing Through Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Attempting to address a substance abuse disorder or addiction without paying attention to the symptoms of Cyclothymia – or vice versa – is largely ineffective. Because the effects of the two problems are so inextricably intertwined in most patients, the symptoms of the untreated disorder will always undermine treatment efforts.

For Cyclothymia patients who also need help quitting their use of drugs and alcohol, a dual diagnosis rehab will be the best option for recovery as long as the program offers the following:

  • Well-educated, experienced staff members who are specialists in drug addiction and/ or Cyclothymia and related mental health disorders
  • Pharmacological treatment to stabilize disruptive mental health symptoms
  • Medical care during detox from the drug of choice, if necessary
  • Psychotherapeutic assistance to address drug-related issues, including relapse prevention
  • Psychiatric care for mental health symptoms
  • Family therapy to improve relationships at home and increase the quality of the patient’s support system in long-term recovery

Finding a Dual Diagnosis rehab that can assist your loved one in overcoming both the struggles that come with drug and alcohol abuse as well as the symptoms of Cyclothymia doesn’t have to be difficult. We’re here to assist you with the process and help you locate the best possible treatment program for your family member. Contact us today to begin.

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