Images of Arlingon National Cemetry 11

femalegdA female guard at the Tomb of The Unknowns

gunsThe Salute Battery of the Third United States Infantry, “The Old Guard”

A final salute at the funeral of Astronaut “Gus” Grissom, by his comrades, from left to right, Colonel John Glenn, US Marine Corps, Captain Alan Shepherd, US Navy, Colonel Gordon Cooper, US Air Force, Commander Scott Carpenter, US Navy, and Commander John Young, US Navy.


grissom2Marching with Grissom’s casket, are (from left) Christopher Kraft, NASA Director of Flight Operations; Young; Robert Gilruth, Director of the Manned Spacecraft Center; Carpenter; Glenn (beyond casket); Shepard; and Deke Slayton (in civilian clothes), now a NASA official. All astronauts except Young, Grissom’s partner on Gemini 3, were in the original Mercury program.

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