Joseph Jackson Bartlett – Major General, United States Army

Joseph Jackson Bartlett was born at Binghamton, New York, November 21, 1834. He was admitted to state bar in 1858, an was practicing law at the outbreak of the Civil War.

He enlisted upon the first call for troops and at Elmira May 21, 1861, he was elected to Captain of one of the companies organized into the 27th New York Volunteer Infantry. When the regiment chose its field officers, Henry W. Slocum (later a Corps and Army Commander) was elected Colonel and Bartlett, Major.

Following a promotion to Slocum and the resignation of the Lieutenant Colonel, he became Colonel, September 21, 1861, and was made Brigadier General of Volunteers October 4, 1862.

He is believed to have taken part in every battle fought by Army of Potomac from Manassas to Appomattox, except for the campaign of Second Manassas where VI Corps was not engaged.

On the morning of April 12, 1865, he received the stacked arms of the Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox Court House.

He won the brevet of Major General close to the end of the war.

In the postwar years served as U.S. Minister to Sweden and Deputy Commissioner of Pensions under President Grover Cleveland.

He died at Baltimore, Maryland, January 14, 1893 and was buried in Section 2 (Grave 1046) of Arlington National Cemetery.

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