John Jay Moller – Second Lieutenant, United States Army

John Jay Moller, Second Lieutenant, United States Army.  He was born in May 1881 and died in February 1909 while serving with the 8th United States Infantry.

Research regarding his life continues.

Updated Courtesy of Michael T. Stein:

Regarding the “mystery” of John Jay Moller:
Looking closely to the picture of his grave I think the year of his Death reads 1909
If this is correct I think the following information is correct:

Second Lieutenant John Jay Moller
Born in Missouri
Died February 22, 1909 in New York (aged 28)
Cadet US. Military Academy 1900-04
Graduated as No. 4333, Class of 1904

Second Lieutenant 1904
Served with 8th Infantry Regiment 1904-08
Served at Fort Jay, Governor’s Island (New York) 1904-06
Served in the Philippines 1906-08
Student, School of Musketry, Presidio of Monterey 1908
On leave of absence 1908-09


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