Memorial Day – 1992

It was different this time…..
On a cold, damp, gray morning I walked to the “WALL”…….
Each breath visable as I crossed the bridge
with numb fingers and toes.
I passed through the hugh gates and began my long,
lonley walk down the cold damp grass…..
to that special place…….
so like all the others….yet so different!

In the cold morning mist….I”m there……
looking at his name……Is this real?
The tears begin and they won’t stop,
running down my cold cheeks……….
they fall to the damp ground below…..
I sit and cry.

Unaware of those around me.
Time passes and I have no more tears left.
I pick a flower….and take the flag.
I wipe my tears and leave….
with my precious memories…..
knowing that I will be drawn here again…..
and again…………………………………….
and again…………………………………….

Written in loving memory of Sergeant Franklin Dennis Winters by his mother.

May we never forget the sacrifices made by our military forces, whether in be in war or in peace.

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